If you rent a home or an apartment, you likely have considered ways to protect the things you own. You may even have purchased a renters insurance policy. Does that mean your renter's insurance covers theft? It’s a good question. With millions of home larcenies and burglaries reported in the U.S., victims may be unsure about potential recourse when they are the victim of theft. With a renters insurance policy, you’ll likely be able to recoup some or all of [ Continue reading ]
The Science Behind Grill Fires
At laid-back barbecues and neighborhood gatherings across the country, the grill has become a popular fixture. While grills may be a convenient way to cook, they still require regular maintenance. Nearly 9,000 fires a year, on average, involve grilling. Five out of six of these reported fires involved gas-fueled grills.1 So what causes a gas grill to catch on fire? We’ll take a look at three of the leading causes, and explore the science behind gas [ Continue reading ]
Understanding Boat Insurance
Keep your head above water and your vessel secure—these boat insurance basics are here to help you better understand how to protect your summer ride. With Summer peaking its head around the corner, it's important to understand your insurance policy and the specific coverages it may or may not provide for your boat. With that being said; the size, type, and value of your vessel have a lot to do with your insurance needs. As with any policy, it is important [ Continue reading ]
Stay Cool This Summer Without Breaking the Bank!
Chances are, you wouldn’t mind spending a little less money on keeping your home cool. Escaping the heat of summer feels great, but having some extra money in your pocket might feel even better. Additionally, cutting back on air conditioning is good for the environment because it reduces carbon emissions. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool without running up your electric bill with the AC! Ventilation According to the Department of [ Continue reading ]
Can You Survive the Rising Gas Prices this Summer?
Coming into the summer season, gas prices are rising! This is a normal trend, but it’s not ideal for those of us who are paying for it. The way you drive your car can impact your fuel consumption, directly affecting your monthly gas costs. No matter how fuel efficient your car is, it never hurt to save some extra money on gas. Here are a handful of fuel-saving tips to keep you on the road without breaking the bank! 1. Regular Maintenance [ Continue reading ]
Is Your Password Secure?
For World Password Day, our affiliate company, USA Wealth Group put out a fun infographic about password safety. Click the image below for a larger, zoomable version or continue reading below for the text version! Tips for a More Secure Password Passwords are critical in keeping our digital identities secure, allowing us to access online shopping, banking, social media, and work and life communications. Having a strong password allows us [ Continue reading ]
Avoiding Rain Damage
The spring is known as a rainy season, and when the rain is heavy, that large amount of water can start to affect your home. Powerful storms can overwhelm your gutters or worse, flood the soil around your foundation. To prevent any lasting damage, find and fix immediate problems as soon as you can safely do so. Water getting into your home can be a big and possibly expensive issue if not resolved immediately. Here's how to conduct a thorough post-storm [ Continue reading ]
Domain Listings Scam Targeting Small Businesses
Important Information for Small Business Owners! Beware of the Domain Listings Scam letter! There is a scam going around, targeting small businesses. Our affiliate company, Lantz Law, Inc. recently received a letter from a company called Domain Listings, claiming to be a website listing service. They sent what at first glance, looks like an overdue bill for website or domain services. It included a “Description of Services” section, which displayed [ Continue reading ]
Spring Driving Safety Tips
Although winter is usually known for its dangerous driving conditions, spring also comes with several seasonal driving hazards to be aware of. What makes spring driving so dangerous? Rainy days and flooding Spring rain creates slippery road conditions and potential flooding. This can reduce your car's handling ability and lengthen the distance it takes to stop by up to 4 times longer. Large puddles can also reduce tire which can lead to [ Continue reading ]
What to Do After a Car Accident
An unexpected car accident is always a little bit unnerving, which is why it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with post-accident procedures now, when you're safe and calm. Following these steps after a car accident will allow you to help make sure everybody is safe, follow the law and get the insurance claim process started. Check Yourself For Injuries If you're seriously injured, call 911 or ask someone else to do so. Try not to move, [ Continue reading ]