Home security has always been the top priority for homeowners. Knowing how to stop burglars from targeting your home can go a long way to safeguard your home and your property.
Targets for Burglars
Most thieves target homes that look easy to break into. They look for homes with predictable patterns of people coming and going, properties in more isolated parts of the neighborhood, and houses that are well maintained or have an expensive car in the driveway.
Times Burglars May Strike
Burglars ideally want an easy job, so if they know when you leave for work and get back home every day, they’ll most likely to strike while you’re gone. Break-ins are most common during the summer and during major holidays because that is when many people take vacations while their kids are out of school.
How Burglars Break In
The most obvious method is if you leave a door or window unlocked. A glass front door may look nice, but thieves can smash the glass, then reach in and unlock the door.
A burglar could also pull out your window-based air conditioner and climb through the open window. Others will bring items such as a crowbar, a credit card, or various lock picking tools.
How to Burglar-proof Your Home
Keep Everything Locked
This might seem obvious, but 56% of burglars come in through the front or back door. Another 22% come in through a first floor window. Additionally, you may want to install thick doors with deadbolt locks, and thick, locking windows that can’t be easily broken into.
A Security System
The best way to help protect your home from burglars is a home security system. Just putting a security sign in your yard can be a deterrent, but a full system is more beneficial. An alarm going off when your door or window opens would likely reduce the chances that a criminal would continue breaking in to your house. If you do put up a sign, make it a general alarm or monitoring sign. You don’t want to give burglars any information about your alarm company that could be used to bypass your system.
Security Cameras
Security cameras on display around your home drastically reduce your chance of a burglar breaking in by up to 300%. When the burglars see security cameras, they know you’re serious about protecting your home. Even if this doesn’t deter a thief, you will be able to monitor their activity from a mobile device and have video evidence of the robbery.
Motion-Activated Floodlights
Motion-activated floodlights can be an effective way to scare burglars away since when they set foot on your property will soon find themselves in the spotlight. That isn’t any fun, and they’ll probably scurry off quickly.
Trim Bushes and Shrubs
Unruly bushes and shrubs are great places for burglars to hide. Keep them trimmed enough that there aren’t any areas where burglars could hide.
Use Indoor Lights with Random Timers
Make sure the timers are random so burglars can’t detect a pattern. Leaving lights on or off all the time shows that no one is home.
Make Friends with Your Neighbor
Tight-knit communities usually have lower crime rates since neighbors look out for each other. You may also consider forming a neighborhood watch program.
Protect Your Privacy on Social Media
Never mention large purchases you’ve made or that you’re away on vacation on social media. This is essentially inviting burglars to break in because you won’t be home.
A “Beware of Dog” sign
Even if you don’t have a dog the possible threat of a dog might be enough to deter some burglars who would have tried to break in otherwise.
Home Security Checks
Some police departments will send a crime prevention specialist out to your residence for a free inspection. They will give you a summary of what you can do to stop burglars from targeting your home.
The thought of someone breaking into your home can be scary, but the more protected your house seems to be, the less likely a burglar is going to take an interest in it. Whether it’s triple-checking your windows and doors or just being a little quieter about your big vacations, taking a few precautions can go a long way in keeping your home (and your valuables) safe.
Here at Lantz Family Insurance Agency we are committed to providing our clients with quality insurance and superior customer service – including when disaster strikes. Should the need arise to file a claim, we’re ready to assist you in any way we can. Call us for a FREE, No Obligation Quote at 774-992-0789 or email info@lantzfia.com.

Peter C. Lantz, Owner/Agent
Peter C. Lantz (Pete) has been a Licensed Insurance Agent in Massachusetts for more than 10 years. He has worked for Arbor Insurance Brokerage, Inc. and USA Wealth Group, Inc. as an Insurance Broker and Financial Advisor. Pete has served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. Pete has his Real Estate Brokers’ License, as well as Life and Health Insurance Licenses.