At laid-back barbecues and neighborhood gatherings across the country, the grill has become a popular fixture. While grills may be a convenient way to cook, they still require regular maintenance. Nearly 9,000 fires a year, on average, involve grilling. Five out of six of these reported fires involved gas-fueled grills.1 So what causes a gas grill to catch on fire? We’ll take a look at three of the leading causes, and explore the science behind gas [ Continue reading ]
Stay Cool This Summer Without Breaking the Bank!
Chances are, you wouldn’t mind spending a little less money on keeping your home cool. Escaping the heat of summer feels great, but having some extra money in your pocket might feel even better. Additionally, cutting back on air conditioning is good for the environment because it reduces carbon emissions. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool without running up your electric bill with the AC! Ventilation According to the Department of [ Continue reading ]
Can You Survive the Rising Gas Prices this Summer?
Coming into the summer season, gas prices are rising! This is a normal trend, but it’s not ideal for those of us who are paying for it. The way you drive your car can impact your fuel consumption, directly affecting your monthly gas costs. No matter how fuel efficient your car is, it never hurt to save some extra money on gas. Here are a handful of fuel-saving tips to keep you on the road without breaking the bank! 1. Regular Maintenance [ Continue reading ]